Women in Power


SKU: 9780974092430


Whether already a successful entrepreneur, just beginning a new venture, or simply romancing the vision of owning a business one day, this book will greatly assist readers in understanding how to win the game of free enterprise. The author noticed that the productivity and expansion of any enterprise is a direct reflection of the personal growth achieved by the person responsible for the business. Women in Power will create a foundation for readers to begin their journey to personal power, and it will create an anchor to reconnect with internal peace as readers continue their journey of personal development in the land of free enterprise. Success in the game of free enterprise comes from marketing uniqueness, the value only the reader can bring to the game of life.
Erica Combs is the Vice President of Golden Mastermind Seminars, Inc. and an internationally recognized speaker, author and trainer and specializes in self-esteem, leadership, posture, prosperity consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, emotional resilience, and understanding the connection between emotions and current circumstances. Her training revolves around personal growth and development, cuts to the chase, and delivers information that creates an immediate impact on success.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 5 × 9 in