2040: A Fable

2040: A Fable


SKU: 9781667823461


“A thoughtful and absorbing read,” notes the American living legend Jay Parini, “with a message to the world. Bruce Piasecki writes with energy and vision.” William Throop adds: “Rich in humor and creative disruption, Piasecki’s compelling feable of turbulent times reveals a human wisdom. His Fellineqque cast of characters share bursts of insight about life in an age of surveillance capitalism.”
Come into this warm and bizarre neighborhood, consistently of a literary agent neighbor of Georg who is a friendly conspiratorialist! Watch the fantastical diatribes of George’s colleage mates, Winston and Abe, and his articulate loving wife Varlissima. They talk about survival, books, birds, and express many loving things. The book peaks in the bizarre but believeable trial of Uncle Finn, who before the Event Police, is a regular guy with a photographic memory, reciting Shakespeare and describing places exactly he that only once saw in the Saratoga library. “This is my home, my neighborhood” the author declares, as he explore “the divine, splendid isolation of Covid-19” for all of us. Finale includes hilariously sportive but serious chapters called “Let Us All Start Again” and “All We Need is Hope.” From Thaddeus Rutkowski’s five page introduction to 2040: “According to one defination, a fable is a story that conveys a moral.
In this book, there are numerous lessons about what is valuable (friends, family, and the freedom to work as one wishes). This ability to work as one dreams is well dramatized in the final parts of this book. There are also warnings about what can devalue our lives (a reliance on exclusive technological communications, a bowing to the ever-watchful State). As with all good fables, these lessons apply to all of us.”
“As with most speculative fiction, Piasecki is not writing about some strange future worlds; he is offering ideas, through metaphor and storylines, taht apply directly to our present world. This remarkable projection to 2040 is absolutely a stunningly sustained technique to help us see through today.” The book entertains you in 10 chapters, totally 224 pages, with 22 woodcut illustrations of the characters as rendered by a world famous artists of the recent past. Bruce Piasecki has had twenty books published, including a New York Times and Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller. His latest books, written during Covid-19, include a Fable: 2040, set it his neighborhood outside of Saratoga Springs New York. This Fable, introduced by the author Thad Rutkowski, sums up how “divine splendid isolation” allows an enabled intensity of renewal from key friends and family and loves. He followed up this book with “A New Way to Wealth: The Power of Doing More with Less”, a homage to Ben Franklin, Bob Dylan, and related creative lives. After his 19th book was released, Bruce Piasecki, and his editor/publisher wife Andrea Masters, created an annual Award in Business and Society and a Creative Force Foundation Inc. See more at devoted TV and Radio content on www.doingmorewithlessbook.com. More on his firm of 41 years at www.ahcgroup.com

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 6 × 9 in