Bad Kitties 2023 Wall Calendar

Bad Kitties 2023 Wall Calendar


SKU: 9781549224706


The Seven Deadly Sins have always been wicked, but never have they been more enjoyable! We’ve taken literary samplings of wayward conduct (greed, envy, lust, conceit, temptation, etc.) and matched them with photographs of kittens being terribly naughty. A twelve month celebration of good times and bad behavior that demonstrates it’s only human to be a bad kitty! Printed with soy-based inks on FSC certified paper, this 12″ x 12″ wall calendar features large monthly grids that offer ample room for jotting notes, along with six bonus months of July through December of 2022. Also includes moon phases (CST), standard U.S. and international holidays.

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 1 × 12 × 12 in