Ms all de las palabras, Audio CD

Ms all de las palabras, Audio CD


SKU: 9780470049419


Written for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of the Spanish language, this book integrates language-skills instruction with subject-matter content. It ensures a smooth transition from the practical knowledge of Spanish that is necessary to carry out daily tasks to a deeper comprehension of the cultures of the Hispanic world. The first five chapters are theme based and then the remainder of the book is organized around regions of the Spanish-speaking world. Each chapter focuses on a set of topics that are related to a broad cultural theme and fully integrated with the language skills covered in the chapter. Readers will also find that essential functions and grammar structures are reintroduced and recycled throughout the pages to reinforce communication skills and grammar.

Capítulo 1: Nuestra identidad
Capítulo 2: Las relaciones de nuestra gente
Capítulo 3: Nuestra comunidad bilingüe
Capítulo 4: La diversidad de nuestras costumbres y creencias
Capítulo 5: Nuestra herencia indígena, africana y española
Capítulo 6: Mexico y España: Idiosincrasias, rivalidad y reconciliación
Capítulo 7: Culturas hispanas del Caribe: Paisajes variados
Capítulo 8: Centroamérica: Mirada al futuro sin olvidar el pasado
Capítulo 9: Países andinos: Sudor del sol y lágrimas de la luna
Capítulo 10: Países del cono sur: Superación de indecibles obstáculos

Additional information

Weight 31 oz
Dimensions 19 × 204 × 251 in