The Dawn of Nothing Important

The Dawn of Nothing Important


SKU: 9781953252449


Each of the eight sections of David Gianniniís THE DAWN OF NOTHING IMPORTANT contains mostly short poems and prose poems embodying aspects of Time and Duration anchored in the physical, and most often the natural, world. The book is, in its way, time-obsessed, sometimes with poems of death and comedy mixing together, and always with wonder. Some of the poems have a curious irreality about them, along with spiritual and metaphysical components. They tend to ësingí as the poems unfold or seem to grow organically on the pages, creating an overall envisioning of people and things in, and even beyond, Time. As Giannini says in these lines from one of the last poems in the book: “I establish myself through failure every poem in its meaning shatters against the stars.”


Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in